Alex Shigo
Showing all 14 results

A New Tree Biology
A New Tree Biology
Facts, Photos, and Philosophies on Trees and Their Problems and Proper Care
Product Code: bk10
A New Tree Biology changed the way the world looked at, studied and understood trees from the inside and out.
A New Tree Biology is sturdy hardcover, 619 pages, 688 photos plus references and index. It is recommended that A New Tree Biology Dictionary be purchased along with this item for a comprehensive resource.
Chapter headings: Emerging, a New Tree Biology; Trees and Insects and Mites; Trees and Micoorganisms; Trees and Animals; Survival; Leaves; Fruit; The Cambium and Bark; Roots; Prelude to the Branch; Branches; Branch Shedding; Epicormic Branches and Limb Drop; Wood and Boundaries; Heartwood and Discolored Wood and the System; Wetwood; Chestnut Blight; Hypoxlyn Canker; Strumella Canker; Cankers; Canker Rots; Polyporus glomeratus; Fomes everhartii; Fumes pini – Canker Rot in Pine; Caution; Fomes pini and Related Species; Armillaria mellea; Root Rot; Fomes annosus; Tree Treatments; Pruning; Included Bark and Pruning; Topping; Cracks; Basal Sprouts; Callus and Wound Closure; Cavities; Injections and Implants; Wound Dressings; Trichoderma and Bicontrol; Cabling and Bracing; Other Treatments and Problems; Genetics; Dutch Elm Disease; Fire Blight; Utility Poles and Wood Products; The Future.
Size: 9.5" x 6.5" x 1.25", hard cover

A New Tree Biology Dictionary
A NEW TREE BIOLOGY DICTIONARY: Terms, Topics, and Treatments for Trees and Their Problems and Proper Care
This is ONLY the Dictionary. This Dictionary is included within the hard cover book A New Tree Biology and Dictionary .
Soft cover, 6" x 9" x .5"
132 pages text, no photos or diagrams
ISBN 0-943563-12-7

Trees Make Love Quietly t-shirt
Trees Make Love Quietly" is Pithy Point #68 from the book "Tree Pithy Points"
Shirt design is on front chest; yellow with green text and has a picture of a tree containing a red outlined heart.
Shirt is 100% pre-shrunk cotton.

A New Tree Biology and Dictionary
A New Tree Biology and Dictionary
Facts, Photos, and Philosophies on Trees and Their Problems and Proper Care
Product Code: bk003
A New Tree Biology changed the way the world looked at, studied and understood trees from the inside and out. A New Tree Biology and Dictionary were originally in two parts. Now they are combined as A New Tree Biology and Dictionary, the text and terms all in one!
A New Tree Biology and Dictionary is sturdy hardcover, 619 pages, 688 photos plus references and index, followed by the dictionary of 132 pages, with quick reference to 239 important subjects, all in one book . This is a comprehensive resource.
Chapter headings: Emerging, a New Tree Biology; Trees and Insects and Mites; Trees and Micoorganisms; Trees and Animals; Survival; Leaves; Fruit; The Cambium and Bark; Roots; Prelude to the Branch; Branches; Branch Shedding; Epicormic Branches and Limb Drop; Wood and Boundaries; Heartwood and Discolored Wood and the System; Wetwood; Chestnut Blight; Hypoxlyn Canker; Strumella Canker; Cankers; Canker Rots; Polyporus glomeratus; Fomes everhartii; Fumes pini – Canker Rot in Pine; Caution; Fomes pini and Related Species; Armillaria mellea; Root Rot; Fomes annosus; Tree Treatments; Pruning; Included Bark and Pruning; Topping; Cracks; Basal Sprouts; Callus and Wound Closure; Cavities; Injections and Implants; Wound Dressings; Trichoderma and Bicontrol; Cabling and Bracing; Other Treatments and Problems; Genetics; Dutch Elm Disease; Fire Blight; Utility Poles and Wood Products; The Future.
Size: 9.5" x 6.5" x 1.5", hard cover

Tree Pruning
Product Code: bk008
An informative photoguide discusses pruning for both attractiveness and health. The first and only book that shows you from the inside how branches come on a tree. Once you know this, proper pruning becomes easy. A conversational style, beautiful pictures and diagrams, plus step-by-step illustrations, makes it easy to understand. A 40-page appendix provides more detail on 27 pruning subjects. The concepts come from 30 years of research that included the dissections of over 15,000 trees.
Size: 9" x 6" x .5"
180 pages, soft cover

Tree Pruning Basics
Product Code: PRUBA
Correct pruning leads to healthy, beautiful and safe trees. Correct pruning begins with an understanding of branch anatomy.
Size: 11" x 8.5"
32 pages, soft cover

Tree Pithy Points
Product Code: TRE22
The brief messages are those used in talks by Dr. Shigo since 1960. The photos punctuate some of the points. The messages are all on even numbered pages and the photos are on odd numbered pages. It is designed as two books in one.
The photos show: Mycorrhizae, mulch, roots, forest trees, city trees, hazard trees, pollarding, trees in large containers, worms in soil, water problems, grass problems, starch test, actinorhizae, lichens, trees in clusters, young people and trees, bracing problems, wraps, poor quality stock, trees under lines, 90-3-90 at work, insects, cracks, dissections, growth patterns, storm damage, ice injury, over pruning, new ways to kill trees!, dead trees in play grounds, logs, palms over pruned, anthracnose, lightning injury, city tree canopy, and more!
The object of the book is to make you think.
Size: 9" x 6" x .25"
160 pages, soft cover

Pithy Points German edition
Product Code: 73 Tree Pruning translated into German. This item is NOT available from this website. To place an order, please go to: $0.00
Tree Hazards
Product Code: pam004
"Thirteen questions you need to ask, and to discuss the results with a tree professional - arborist."
Author Dr. Alex L. Shigo
Size: 9" x 4"

The Alex Shigo Story
The Alex L. Shigo Story........
Product Code: CD003 Alex Shigo was an amazing man. He pursued his life and interests with passion and enthusiasm. This story, filmed during the fall and winter of 2005-2006, portrays the people and influences over his life time -- his family and friends, education, music, research, travel, love of trees, and all their many connections. Filmed at his home and the surrounding woods, this video includes photos and music throughout his life. Touch Trees with Alex, get a glimpse of his workshops and travels, hear his music and philosophy shown through the eyes (and camera lens) of his friend, Charley Owens, and through the testimonials of disciples and friends in the tree care industry from around the world. 93 minutes Author / Charley Owens Publisher / "Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC" $25.00
Backyard Pathology
Product Code: CD001
Dr. Shigo takes you on a tour of a New Hampshire woods, stopping to discuss various issues affecting trees and their environments. Like Emerson and Thoreau, this elder naturalist shares the wisdom of his years living in the woods and observing nature in its many forms. This video presentation is narrated by the author, and provides an insight into the physiology and ecology of trees gained from a career lived in close association with trees.
30 minutes running time
contains additional files of photos and diagrams

Trees, Associates, and Shigo
Product Code: CD002
5.0 average, based on 1 reviews
A collection of over 5000 photos as pdf's from research and travels worldwide over a 40-year period. There are many, but not all, photos from the books of Alex Shigo with many! more as well. The intent of this collection is to provide educators (colleges, universities, businesses, garden or neighborhood clubs, etc.) with clear and accurate photos for inclusion in Power Point presentations. There are photos of trees and their components, whole and dissected, fungi, mycorrhizae, insects, birds and animal associates, and so much more. Each photo has a unique caption. There is no additional text. All items are well organized and there is a list of contents with each disk that is fully searchable for ease of use.
All photos are for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced for sale or distribution or for personal use by any means or in any way.